Company News

Jack Gibbs – Employee Spotlight

October 19, 2021

What do you do at LitLingo?

Director, Large Enterprise

Favorite part of working at LitLingo?

Hands down the people and the feeling that we are all pulling on the same rope. We are fam!

What do you find most rewarding about your role?

While I’m happy to bring new ideas and strategies for selling to enterprise companies, I’m equally excited to learn how to sell a completely different and unique product. I’m also blessed to be part of such a great company with a seat on the “rocketship.”

What makes someone successful on your team?

Daring to try just about anything to move the needle. If you fail, fail quickly and fail forward.

What’s the biggest problem your team is solving?

LitLingo is a novel product, so we are learning from every call and meeting and then figuring out a repeatable process to help guide the new salespeople joining.

What projects are you most excited about?

I’m excited about all of the deals I am working on, regardless of their size. Small deals are just as exciting as big deals… after all, a win is a win!

Favorite sport to watch and team to follow?

Watching/playing golf is my fav, but kind of an oxymoron because I mostly watch golf, so I can take a nap!

Favorite thing to do in Austin?

Eating some good Texas BBQ.

Secret talent?

I have a 20-year side hustle as a professional fundraising auctioneer, and yes, I can talk at auctioneer speed!

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