Company News

Ramya Varma – Employee Spotlight

December 16, 2021

What do you do at LitLingo?

VP of Finance

Favorite part of working at LitLingo?

The scale of the opportunity. LitLingo is building a market-defining product, and the team’s excitement about what we can accomplish and the impact we can create is palpable.

What do you find most rewarding about your role?

I love roles where I can bring order to chaos, so to speak. Startups are both challenging and rewarding; there’s a lot of structure to be created, but the extent to which you can build from the ground up and leave your mark on the organization is unparalleled.

What makes someone successful on your team?

Ownership mentality and a growth mindset. Work is far more rewarding when you find ways to own an initiative and the results, rather than letting someone else be in charge of what you can contribute. Relatedly, everyone, no matter how experienced, has been in the position of having to do something for the first time and fly by the seat of their pants. It’s a much more fun ride when you enjoy the view and are curious about the destination. 🙂

What’s the biggest problem your team is solving?

Giving the business visibility into the financial impact of strategic decisions and helping the organization find the most effective ways to allocate capital for growth.

What projects are you most excited about?

I’m excited to help quantitatively frame how the organization will grow and scale over the coming year and beyond.

Favorite thing to do in Austin?

I love a good hill country brewery/distillery. Jester King and Desert Door are my go-to’s on a beautiful weekend afternoon.

What food do you hate?

Offal. I consider myself to have an adventurous palate, but I draw the line at organ meats. I prefer to win hearts and minds, not eat them.

Secret talent?

I’m the drummer in an all-woman indie cover band.

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